Regulations and documents

The University of Tartu is a public university operating under the University of Tartu Act, Higher Education Act, Organisation of Research and Development Act, Standard of Higher Education and other legislation.

The bases of the university’s activities are laid down in the Statutes of the University of Tartu.

The University of Tartu Strategic Plan defines the mission, vision and strategic goals.

Good practices support the mission of the University of Tartu and organisational development, and reflect the university’s core values.

Kadri Voorand

Musician Kadri Voorand to be the new Professor of Liberal Arts at the University of Tartu

2024. aasta orienteerumisrajal saab (taas)tutvuda ülikooli ühiselamutega

The 2024 orienteering course (re)introduces you to university dormitories

Kõrghariduse rahastamise seminaril osalejad.

Experts debated the future of higher education funding